Contents to Volume 54, Number 11
April 2024

Issue: 11
Volume: 54
In the April issue of GSM, Majed Halawi looks at the 1884 5s. on 1s. surcharges introduced as an emergency measure by the colonial government in Sierra Leone, and highlights the varieties associated with the issue and a century ago this year, London hosted the 1924 British Empire Exhibition, bringing together the best products and services the dominions had to offer. David Pollard showcases just some of the collectable philatelic material this event produced.
Contents April 2024
A collection of the latest philatelic news from around the world.
Society News
More of the latest reports from the nation’s philatelic societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming fairs and auctions.
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
Richard West discusses the formidable collections of Arthur Hind, the British-born American textile industrialist who dedicated a significant part of his wealth to building one of the most extensive and valuable philatelic collections of his time.
GB News
To mark the 40th anniversary of the Jorvik Viking Centre in York, a new set of eight stamps from Royal Mail celebrates the history, impact and legacy of Viking Britain.
Definitive Watch
John Deering returns with another update on modern British issues. This month, he discusses the swan song of museum Post & Gos, sees what the Spice Girls p.s.b. has to offer collectors and provides an update on barcoded security Machins with regards to the two types of ‘ROYALMAIL’ backing paper.
The 1d. Lilac Unified Stamp Part 2: Flaws and Varieties
Robert B Galland continues his short series of articles examining Britain’s first unified postage and revenue stamp with a look at its collectible varieties and rare examples from coils and booklets.
The 1924 British Empire Exhibition and Britain’s First Commemoratives
A century ago this year, London hosted the 1924 British Empire Exhibition, bringing together the best products and services the dominions had to offer. David Pollard showcases just some of the collectable philatelic material this event produced.
GB Specialised Supplement
The latest supplement to the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.
Gone But Not Forgotten
In another of his regular articles looking at the stamps of ‘dead’ countries, John Moody explores the stamps of the Spanish protectorate of Morocco.
The latest books and catalogues read and rated.
Baldwin’s Auctions: The Singapore Philatelic Museum Collection
Robert Smith, Stanley Gibbons’ Commonwealth expert, talks us through some of the rare and highly coveted material coming up in the latest Baldwin’s auction.
The Road to Wembley Part 4: Earl’s Court to Shepherd’s Bush
Derek Connell continues his journey to the 1924 British Empire Exhibition with another presentation of postal history and ephemera produced for previous London exhibitions, including those held at the elaborate White City exhibition buildings.
British Colonial and Protectorate Stamps Part 45: Falkland Islands
For his latest article on the stamp issues of British Colonial and Protectorate countries, Noel Davenhill explores the key issues of the Falkland Islands.
Indian Refugee Relief Tax Part 3: Provisional Issues for Official Government Service Use
In this concluding article on the 1971 refugee relief tax stamps of India, Surendra Bhaskar discusses the provisional issues produced for official government service use.
2023 Foreign Booklets
In the first of two parts, Geir Sør-Reime presents his latest annual survey of foreign stamp booklets.
Sierra Leone: The 1884 5s. on 1s. Surcharge
Majed Halawi looks at the 1884 5s. on 1s. surcharges introduced as an emergency measure by the colonial government in Sierra Leone, and highlights the varieties associated with the issue.
Stamp Hunting
Stamps to look out for from Antigua.
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues.
GSM investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
Shore to Shore
We highlight the latest new issues from Jersey, Isle of Man and Guernsey.
Don’t miss your chance to win a £50 Stanley Gibbons voucher in our regular competition.
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies offers more thoughts from the Catalogue Editor’s chair.
Catalogue Supplement
The latest, 15-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue.