Contents to Volume 51, Number 9
February 2021

Contents February 2021
The latest philatelic news from around the world.
Society News
More reports from the nation’s Philatelic Societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming fairs and auctions.
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
Richard West’s latest article examining the kind of things that can go wrong during stamp production turns to the final stage of a stamp’s creation, printing.
The latest book releases read and rated.
GB News
We examine Royal Mail’s latest issue celebrating Britain’s National Parks as well as a surprise, flag-waving miniature sheet release.
Machin Watch
The unexpected postal tariff increase and its impact on Machins and Post & Go products is the subject of John Deering’s latest column for GB collectors.
Cyprus: The 1881 Provisional ‘Half-Penny’ Surcharges
As part of the GB Overprints Society’s 50th anniversary celebrations, Tony Stanford FRPSL takes a look at the 1881 surcharged Penny Red overprints of Cyprus.
GB Overprints: The Plate Flaws of the Morocco Agencies 1 Franc on 10d. Block Cypher
Using Morocco Agencies overprints as an example, Andrew Hawthorn and Marius Wlodarczyk of the GB Overprints Society show how overprinted stamps can be used to plate many known GB varieties.
GB Specialised Supplement
The latest supplement to the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.
British Colonial and Protectorate Stamps Part 26: Trinidad and Tobago
In his long-running series looking at the stamp issues of former British colonies and protectorates, Noel Davenhill explores the philatelic history of these two Caribbean islands.
Indian Feudatory States: Sirmoor
Christer Brunstrom FRPSL provides another article on the issues of the Indian Feudatory States. Here he highlights the stamps of Sirmoor, located in the Himalayan north-west of India region, which produced some very attractive and mostly affordable issues, alongside some elusive varieties.
Bertil Skov Jorgensen: Denmark’s Swan Song
Adrian Keppel takes a look at the career of Bertil Skov Jorgensen, Denmark’s last stamp engraver.
David Field: 1871-1926
Michael Peach highlights the career of David Field, a highly regarded early stamp dealer and publisher who opened the very first philatelic shop in the West End of London.
Gone But Not Forgotten
In another article on ‘dead’ countries, John Moody takes us to Long Island off the west coast of Turkey to explore stamps from the British occupation of World War I.
Stamp Hunting
Nimrod highlights the stamps to look out for from the British occupation of Italian colonies.
Mutiny on the Bounty Part 2: Paradise Lost
Using just some of the many stamp issues on the theme, Nicholas Oughton concludes his evidence-based account of the 1789 mutiny on the Bounty.
Cocos Island: Jurassic Park or Treasure Island
This remote island bears a similarity to a land that time forgot, but, as Stephen Pendleton explains, there are philatelic connections to be found.
New Zealand’s 1955 Centennial Stamp Issue
Christopher Moor looks back at the three gummed commemorative stamps issued by New Zealand in 1955 to mark the centenary of the country’s first stamp issue.
The 1942 Issues of Hadhramaut
Christer Brunstrom FRPS takes a nostalgic look back at the striking stamp issues of Hadhramaut, which were some of his earliest stamp purchases.
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues.
Alison Boyd investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
Shore to Shore
We highlight the latest new issues from Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man.
Don’t miss your chance to win a £50 Stanley Gibbons voucher.
The Unissued Stamps of Germany
David Horry presents another example from the Hedley Adams Mobbs collection.
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies offers more opinion from the Catalogue Editor’s chair.
Catalogue Supplement
A 12-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue.