Contents to Volume 55, Number 8
January 2025

Issue: 8
Volume: 55
Inside this month’s packed GSM, the turbulent postal history of Germany’s World War I occupation of the Baltic, western Russia, and Ukraine is discussed by Douglas N Muir RDP. Discover how stamps and mail from this era document shifting borders, military operations and emerging nations on the Eastern Front and in his latest article for new collectors Richard West goes back to basics with an explanation of some of the philatelic terms that go hand in hand with the hobby.
Contents January 2025
A collection of the latest philatelic news from around the world.
Society News
More of the latest reports from the nation’s philatelic societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming fairs and auctions.
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
In his latest article for new collectors Richard West goes back to basics with an explanation of some of the philatelic terms that go hand in hand with the hobby.
GB News
Royal Mail marks Christmas 2024 with a new set illustrating some of Britain’s most impressive cathedrals, and rounds of its 2024 philatelic programme with a commemorative issue exploring the life and legacy of Winston Churchill.
Definitive Watch
John Deering wraps up a busy year for British stamp releases with a look back on the topics covered in ‘Definitive Watch’ during 2024. He also explores Royal Mail’s Winston Churchill commemorative issue to see what it has to offer collectors of British definitives.
Travelling Post Offices: Sorting Carriages of South East England
Keith Morris traces the history of South East England’s Travelling Post Offices, detailing their operations, unique postmarks, and the critical role they played in mail sorting from the 1860s until their eventual closure.
GB Specialised Supplement
The latest supplement to the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.
All Was Not Quiet on the Eastern Front!: Part 1
The turbulent postal history of Germany’s World War I occupation of the Baltic, western Russia, and Ukraine is discussed by Douglas N Muir RDP. Discover how stamps and mail from this era document shifting borders, military operations and emerging nations on the Eastern Front.
Ernest Rutherford, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, New Zealand, OM (1871-1937)
Michael Peach traces the life and groundbreaking achievements of physicist Ernest Rutherford as commemorated on stamps; from his early career in New Zealand to his monumental contributions to atomic physics.
Not Just For Christmas: Canada’s 1898 Imperial Penny Postage Stamp
Although often cited as the first ever Christmas stamp, Canada’s 1898 2c. was never intended to be a festive issue. Instead, it was the result of a hard-fought battle for the introduction of an imperial penny postage rate. Michael Burzan discusses the true motives behind this faux festive issue.
The latest books and catalogues read and rated.
Madame Joseph Forged Postmarks Associated with the 1935 Silver Jubilee Stamps: Part 5: Pacifica and the American Connection
The final chapter in Neil Donen’s investigation of Madame Joseph forged postmarks highlights examples relating to the Australian Dependencies in the Pacific.
Bullet-Riddled Stamps
Christer Brunström FRPSL examines the surprising connection between crime and philately, exploring how both fictional detectives and real-life violence have shaped stamp design, influenced collectors and impacted the world of stamp collecting.
Dienstpost Official Mail in German-Occupied Poland Part 3: Do I Need a Stamp?
The evolution of Dienstpost mail in German-occupied Poland, from free military services to regulated civilian mail, is explored by Albert Jackson.
2024 Yearbooks
We take a look at the 2024 annual products from Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Aland, Macao and Luxembourg.
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues.
Stamp Hunting
Stamps to look out for from South West Africa.
Shore to Shore
We highlight the latest new issues from Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.
GSM investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
Don’t miss your chance to win a free 12-month subscription to GSM.
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies offers more thoughts from the Catalogue Editor’s chair.
Catalogue Supplement
The latest 14-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue.