Contents to Volume 54, Number 2
July 2023

Issue: 2
Volume: 54
In the July issue of GSM, using his connections with postal employees of both the Islamic Republic era and those working in the Post Office since the return of the Taliban, Peter Hornung gets inside information on what the future holds for the philately of Afghanistan and in another of his regular articles on the stamps of countries that no longer exist, John Moody investigates the issues for Ruanda-Urundi produced under the various Belgian administrative periods following World War I.
Contents July 2023
A collection of the latest philatelic news from around the world.
Society News
More of the latest reports from the nation’s philatelic societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming fairs and auctions.
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
Richard West looks at some of the milestone moments of Manx stamps as the Isle of Man Post Office celebrates its 50th anniversary.
GB News
A cunning plan from Royal Mail sees the release of eight new stamps and a four-stamp miniature sheet to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Blackadder, while the 40th anniversary of Warhammer is also marked with a set of six stamps and a miniature sheet.
Great Britain Paid Postmarks
Cyril Parsons investigates how a UPU Convention, which came into operation on 1 January 1922, led to the British Post Office reviewing its Paid postmarks for foreign mail.
Definitive Watch
John Deering latest round-up of ‘definitive’ stamp news for modern GB collectors offers more information on the reintroduced Post & Go Europe up to 100g Post & Go service indicator, examines a new Post & Go Fleet Air Arm Museum inscription and looks at a phosphor band inset discovery on the £3 barcoded Machin.
GB Specialised Supplement
The latest supplement to the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.
Afghanistan: Philately in the Taliban Era
Using his connections with postal employees of both the Islamic Republic era and those working in the Post Office since the return of the Taliban, Peter Hornung gets inside information on what the future holds for the philately of Afghanistan.
Sierra Leone: A Royal Visit
Illustrating original essays used in the design process, Majed Halawi explores the stamps produced to commemorate the royal visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to Sierra Leone in 1961.
Lost Treasures and Famous Philatelic Discoveries
We all dream of discovering a long-lost philatelic treasure, a hidden gem that has not see the light of day for many years. John Wright highlights a few such examples that made headlines around the world.
The Mails to South Africa: Part 1 the Beginning and the Contracts
Mike Dovey of the TPO & Seapost Society begins a two-part article on the unique postmarks, postage rates and mail routes used to send mail between South Africa and Britain from 1850 to the end of the 19th century.
Gone But Not Forgotten
In another of his regular articles on the stamps of countries that no longer exist, John Moody investigates the issues for Ruanda-Urundi produced under the various Belgian administrative periods following World War I.
Stamp Hunting
Stamps to look out for from the Orange Free State.
Postal Stationery Matters
More postal stationery items from around the world are presented by Peter van Gelder.
2022 Foreign Postal Stationery
Geir Sør-Reime continues his annual review of modern foreign postal stationery from around the world with issues from Germany to Poland.
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues.
Alison Boyd investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
Shore to Shore
We highlight the latest new issues from Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man.
Don’t miss your chance to win a £50 Stanley Gibbons voucher in our regular competition.
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies offers more thoughts from the Catalogue Editor’s chair.
Catalogue Supplement
The latest, 14-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue.