Contents to Volume 43, Number 6
November 2012

Contents October 2012
The BPMA reveals more details of its planned permanent new home; the US National Postal Museum launches its new digital memory book and we have a special report from the new format Autumn Stampex.
Society News
Reports from philatelic societies
Diary Dates
Forthcoming Fairs and Auctions
Around the Houses
Hugh Jefferies presents a round-up of the latest auction news from the UK and abroad.
New Collector
John Holman presents another inspiring article for new and seasoned collectors
GB News
The latest details on Royal Mail’s new issues, including: Memories of London 2012, Space Science and this year’s Christmas stamps – we saw the stamps… and the stamps looked good!
GB Postal Stationery, Postal Labels and Postmarks
John Holman reports on the latest postal rates of Guernsey and the Isle of Man, and reports on some recent anomalies in Horizon and Post and Go labels.
Machin Watch
John Deering reports on the latest developments in the world of Machin collecting
Stamping Along the Great West Road
Join Alan Sacks as he begins a light-hearted philatelic tour of one of Britain’s grandest thoroughfares
GB Specialised Catalogue
The latest supplement to the Great Britain Specialised Catalogue
Dear GSM
More readers have their say, courtesy of the GSM postbag
Natal Tax Marks
Brian Trotter brings us an insight into the postal history of South Africa with a review the Tax marks of Natal.
3d. Embossed Postage Stamp of Natal
Prof Keith P Klugman FRPSL examines the ‘most common’ of Natal’s embossed stamps.
Tony Davis presents the definitives, provisionals, postal stationery and postmarks of Zululand.
Palestine: Jerusalem Overprints
Ashley Lawrence FRPSL turns his attention to this problematic issue, giving clear guidance on identifying the various types and varieties.
The Sinking of the Oravia
The Titanic wasn’t the only Royal Mail ship to sink in 1912; Albert-Friedrich Gruene reveals some postal items from a less infamous, but still fascinating 1912 sinking.
Postal Wars
Jan Heijs talks us through several examples of stamps and cachets from when postal powers wage war.
Stamp Hunting
Nimrod highlights some important stamps of Pakistan
1962–What did they Commemorate?
Peter van Gelder looks back at the commemorative issues produced by Commonwealth countries 50 years ago.
Gems from the GSM Archive
We head back to 1985 for another classic GSM article.
Living People on Royal Mail stamps—enough is enough!
Has Royal Mail’s policy for showing living people on its stamps gone too far? Peter Jennings FRPSL, FRGS thinks so.
Easter Island’s Pioneering Mail Flight
David Maddock reveals one man’s dream to establish a new air route across the Pacific.
Shore to Shore
Island Hopper reports on stamps from the Channel Islands and Isle of Man
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues from around the world
Dean Shepherd investigates the history behind some recent new issues
Unissued QEII/Catalogue Column
The story behind an unissued stamp of St Helena. Plus, Hugh Jefferies’ latest comments as SG catalogue editor.
Catalogue Supplement
A 17-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue