Contents to Volume 47, Number 6
November 2016

Issue: 6
Volume: 47
Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Jim Etherington reveals how the postal history of the BEF gives a unique perspective on the fate of the Force, as well as the lives of those involved in this opening stage of World War II and in 1898 Gibraltar stamps were overprinted for use in the eight Morocco Agencies. Richard Garcia explains the reasons for the overprints and provides examples of their use until they were gradually replaced by overprinted British stamps in 1907.
Contents November 2016
Catch up with the latest philatelic news from around the world, including a royal reception for Royal Mail’s 500th anniversary and details of a new crash mail exhibition at the Bath Postal Museum.
Roasting temperatures, retail therapy and Rock and Roll; some of the things on offer at the latest Stampex show.
Society News
More reports from the nation’s Philatelic Societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming fairs and auctions.
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
John Holman offers plenty of ideas for getting an aerophilately collection off the ground and reveals some more unusually shaped examples from the novelty genre.
GB News
Royal Mail’s latest issue pays tribute to ten of the much-loved Mr Men and Little Miss characters.
Great Britain Postal Stationery: The impact of changes in postal tariffs
Edward Klempka examines how changes in the postal tariff led to some of the most attractive and scarcest items of British postal stationery.
Machin Watch
John Deering highlights more modern GB discoveries, including the latest Machins to be issued with ‘M16L’ date codes, and tells us how to decipher the information hidden in Post & Go code lines.
British Private Posts
In another report on Britain’s private posts, John Holman looks at the latest developments in Downstream Access and End-to-End mail, and highlights new issues from the nation’s tourist, Christmas charity, railway and island posts.
GB Specialised Supplement
The latest supplement to the GB Specialised Catalogue.
The Morocco Agencies
In 1898 Gibraltar stamps were overprinted for use in the eight Morocco Agencies. Richard Garcia explains the reasons for the overprints and provides examples of their use until they were gradually replaced by overprinted British stamps in 1907.
Czechoslovakia's Art Series, 1966–92
Beginning in 1966, Czechoslovakia released a total of 25 annual stamp sets depicting some of the country’s finest works of art. Christer Brunstrom shows how this series provides a perfect canvas on which to build a beautiful thematic collection.
British Colonial and Protectorate Stamps Part 2: Seychelles
In his latest article in his ongoing series on colonial issues, Noel Davenhill focuses on the stamps of Seychelles – from the use of Mauritius stamps in the early 1860s, to the pre-independence stamps of the current reign.
South Georgia Without…
Hugh Osborne presents the first in a two-part article looking at the challenges facing the Postmasters of the isolated post office at Grytviken, South Georgia in the early part of the 20th century.
Barbados: The Britannia Printings
This comprehensive article by Charles Freeland discusses the various printings of the first issue of Barbados – including shades, perforations, paper and surcharges.
The British Expeditionary Force: 1939–40
Jim Etherington reveals how the postal history of the BEF gives a unique perspective on the fate of the Force, as well as the lives of those involved in this opening stage of World War II.
Stamp Hunting
GSM’s resident market expert, Nimrod, highlights stamps to look out for from Belize.
Reviews of the latest philatelic publications.
Alison Boyd investigates the stories behind some of the latest stamp issues from around the world.
Shore to Shore
More issues from the Jersey, Isle of Man and Guernsey.
Another chance to win a £50 Stanley Gibbons voucher.
Stamp News in Brief
A summary of recent and forthcoming issues.
The Unissued Stamps of Queen Elizabeth II
More fun from the Hedley Adams Mobbs collection.
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies offers more thoughts from the Catalogue Editor’s chair.
Catalogue Supplement
A 13-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue.