Contents to Volume 41, Number 6.
November 2010
Issue: 6
Volume: 41
Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Peter van Gelder surveys Commonwealth commemoratives of 40 years ago and the Chalon Head portrait of Queen Victoria formed the principal motif of Queensland’s stamps for many years; Richard Breckon discusses the Perkins Bacon printings and
Contents November 2010
The latest news from the stamp world.
Society News
Reports from philatelic societies.
Diary Dates
Forthcoming Fairs and Auctions.
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results.
New Collector
John Holman looks at stamps featuring Simon Bolivar and John F Kennedy, the Indian Feudatory States of Rajpipla and Shahpura and updates previous reports.
GB News
New Royal Mail issue: Wallace and Gromit feature on seven Christmas stamps and ancillary items to be issued on 2 November.
Machin Watch
John Deering looks briefly at Birds Post & Go stamps before turning to recent Wales and England country stamps and revised retail booklets.
Lady Mairi Bury Collections
Richard Ashton examines some of the outstanding material to be offered in this forthcoming auction sale.
GB Stationery/Labels/Postmarks
The latest news on recent developments and discoveries reported by John Holman.
GB Specialised Catalogue
A supplement to the Great Britain Specialised Catalogue.
Dear GSM
Readers’ correspondence.
Queensland: Chalon Heads
The Chalon Head portrait of Queen Victoria formed the principal motif of Queensland’s stamps for many years; Richard Breckon discusses the Perkins Bacon printings.
Ottoman Philately
There is much to interest collectors in the philately of the Ottoman Empire as Arapian-Bey reveals.
Malacca Posmarks of George VI
David Horry identifies rare and other postmarks that are worth looking out for.
Nigeria: Independence
Barry Floyd looks at how this African country’s art has been celebrated on its stamps.
GSM Bookshelf
Reviews of Iraq Postal History 1920s to 1930s and The History of Mail Bombs.
North Korea
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a country virtually closed to the outside world. Nicholas Pertwee pays it a visit in search of birds and stamps.
Churches of Croatia on Stamps
Anthony New FSA, FRIBA, MIStruct E, concludes his tour by travelling down the Dalmatian coast before heading towards the borders of Hungary and Serbia.
The ‘Moldau’ collection is assessed by Wolfgang Maassen AIJP, FRPSL.
What did they Commemorate?
Peter van Gelder surveys Commonwealth commemoratives of 40 years ago.
Was a Kiwi First?
Richard Pearse, a reclusive New Zealand engineer, may have been the first man to make a powered flight, as Christopher Moor reveals.
Stamp Hunting/Competition
Nimrod suggests some stamps worth looking for from Samoa. Your chance to win one of five Commonwealth and Empire Stamps catalogues (2011 edition)
Girl Guides' Guide to Stamps
Peter Jennings FRPSL, FRGS, reports on how a Girl Guide unit from Birmingham created its own commemorative booklet to mark the centenary of Girl Guiding.
Shore to Shore
Island Hopper looks at the latest issues from the Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
Dean Shepherd investigates the background to some recent new issues.
Unissued QEII/Catalogue Column
David Horry reveals the story behind another unissued stamp. Hugh Jefferies reports on a Qatar mystery stamp and asks how much detail is required in the catalogue.
Catalogue Supplement
A 13-page update to the Stanley Gibbons catalogue.