Contents to volume 41 issue 8
January 2011

Issue: 8
Volume: 41
Included in this month’s GSM, David Horry provides a general introduction to the many cancellations available to postmark collectors from the Dominion of New Zealand during the years 1937 to 1953 and in the first of a two-part article, Rob Holley explains how the UPU’s colour-coding scheme caused problems in Malaya.
Lady Mairi Bury collection fetches over £3million; Falklands presentation; Irish watermark discovery
Society News
Reports from philatelic societies
Diary Dates
Forthcoming Fairs and Auctions
Around the Houses
News of recent auction results
New Collector
John Holman explains a philatelic term (compound stamps), looks at Upper Volta, Upper Yafa and Paquebot postmarks and reports on a reader’s response
GB News
New Royal Mail issues: Classic Locomotives miniature sheet, Garden Birds Post & Go stamps
An Exhibition of Exhibitions
Souvenirs of Derek Connell’s visits to the exhibitions that took place as part of the London 2010 Festival of Stamps
Edward VIII
John Holman brings together the philatelic aspects of this controversial king’s short reign
GB Specialised Catalogue
A supplement to the Great Britain Specialised Catalogue
Stamping Around with Charles Dickens
Alan Sacks continues his philatelic tour through Dickens’ life and times
Machin Watch
Wallace and Gromit Christmas stamps, recent booklets and Post & Go varieties are reviewed by John Deering
Dear GSM
Readers’ correspondence
Classic Children’s Television
With the forthcoming issue of Gerry Anderson stamps from Royal Mail in mind, Jeff Dugdale recalls some memorable children’s television programmes illustrated on stamps
Collecting the Postmarks of New Zealand in use during King George VI’s Reign
David Horry provides a general introduction to the many cancellations available to postmark collectors from the Dominion of New Zealand during the years 1937 to 1953
Heinrich von Stephan (1831–97)
Probably second only to Sir Rowland Hill in the field of postal reform, von Stephan was instrumental in the eventual establishment of the Universal Postal Union. Michael Peach looks at the stamps issued to commemorate his achievements
2010 Yearbooks
A roundup of Yearbook products
GSM Bookshelf
Reviews of recent books
Malaya and the Colour Scheme of the Universal Postal Union
In the first of a two-part article, Rob Holley explains how the UPU’s colour-coding scheme caused problems in Malaya
Sweden’s Modern Local Posts
Since the late 1800s Sweden has benefitted from private local posts; Christer Brunström looks at those introduced since state monopolies ended in 1994
Important Great Britain Internal Pioneer Airmail Discovered
A special report by Peter Jennings FRPSL, FRGS, on a recently discovered postcard carried by air
Stamp Hunting
Nimrod suggests stamps worth looking for from Belize
Shore to Shore
Island Hopper looks at Guernsey and Alderney Christmas stamps, Jersey Coaches and a Royal Engagement miniature sheet from the Isle of Man
Dean Shepherd investigates the background to some recent new issues
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies reports from the Catalogue Editor’ chair
Catalogue Supplement
A 13-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue