Previous Issues

September 2014

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, John Hillson FRPSL, FCPS talks us through the duplex, combination and machine cancels introduced in Canada during the…

August 2014

Included in this month’s GSM, Douglas Muir examines the work of the Army Postal Service which provided such a morale boost to British troops during…

July 2014

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, Robert Jack takes a look at the philatelic legacy left behind by field post facilities set up to serve…

June 2014

In the June issue of GSM, John Hillson highlights the different types of lathework designs used to embellish the bottom selvage of a number of…

May 2014

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Steve Pendleton shows how a collection of stamps and special covers can tell the fascinating story of how…

April 2014

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, Rob Holley discusses the emergency issues of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang and Christer Brunstrom details the short,…

March 2014

Included in this month’s GSM, Peter van Gelder presents another varied selection of postal stationery items including: a two-part German story; Christmas aerogrammes from Australia;…

February 2014

In the February issue of GSM, John Wright discusses the role mail played in the early colonisation of Australia due to its ability to link…

January 2014

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Alan Sacks begins a new series on the philatelic associations of the blue plaques of London and Hugh Jefferies assesses…

December 2013

Included in the December issue of the world-leading Gibbons Stamp Monthly, Patrick G Awcock discusses the killer cancels of the 20th century and Basil Herwald…

November 2013

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, we report on the opening of the new William H Gross Stamp Gallery and Christopher Moor examines the stamps…

October 2013

Included in this month’s GSM, John Holman tells us why we should always ‘look on the back’ and David Horry investigates the cancels of Northern…