Previous Issues

March 2011

In the March issue of GSM, the postmarks to be found on the stamps of Aden are listed and illustrated by David Horry and the…

February 2011

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Nicholas Pertwee demonstrates that Ghana’s recent stamp issues have much to interest the philatelist and a flight in…

January 2011

Included in this month’s GSM, David Horry provides a general introduction to the many cancellations available to postmark collectors from the Dominion of New Zealand…

December 2010

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, John Holman looks at stamps of Tokelau and Soruth and David Pollard looks at how slogan postmarks helped to…

November 2010

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Peter van Gelder surveys Commonwealth commemoratives of 40 years ago and the Chalon Head portrait of Queen Victoria…

October 2010

Inside this month’s packed GSM, Steve Hiscocks provides an illustrated introduction to British Telegraph companies and their stamps, along with those issued by the Post…

September 2010

In the September issue of GSM, Michael Peach and Peter van Gelder tell the story of Herbert Weston, better known as Victor Marsh, well-known for…

August 2010

Included in this month’s GSM, Ian Hamilton reviews stamps depicting the aircraft that took part during the Battle of Britain and a special report by…

July 2010

Inside this month’s issue of GSM, a thematic timeline of Jacobite royalty is presented by John Holman and most items sent through the post have…

June 2010

Included in another eclectic mix of articles, Peter van Gelder investigates the 1948 Olympics aerogrammes, looks at the evolution of the word ‘aerogramme’, and Canadian…

May 2010

Inside this month’s packed GSM, key plate varieties on the King George V large ‘Nyasa’ type high values are reviewed by Denis Littlewort and Richard…

April 2010

In the April issue of GSM, Nicholas Pertwee recalls his time in Japan as the role of the steam engine there was coming to a…